As part of my Eco-Performance Art class with Turkish performance artist, activist and writer Ayca Ceylan through the ECC-Performance Art School and archive, I am creating a series of short video performances that address environmental issues.
I want to bring attention to my friends Kari and Tom Bishop who have an alpaca sanctuary in Granbury, Texas where I live.
I wanted to see if these gentle and sweet creatures would interact with me. They are very skittish and do not like to be touched. Tom warned me that they may ignore me completely and keep their distance. Imagine my surprise when 3 of them ate out of my hands and the others crowded in with curiosity and stares. One stared directly at the camera.
The morning light and soft tongues on my palm. What a life-affirming connection.
Find more information on the alpaca sanctuary and how you can support them here.
Find more information about Ayca’s work here.
Find more information about ECC-Performance Art here.