Showing 8 Result(s)

Double Jeopardy

Synopsis: The final installment in the series Reflections on the Way to the Gallows, Double Jeopardy references the 1739 NH execution of two women convicted of committing the same crime. Reflections on the Way to the Gallows (2010-2013) is a series of 11 videos that embrace experimental narrative based on historical documents. Filming at the …

The Ghost of Jane Elkins

Synopsis: The video recounts the story of the 1st person to be hung in the state of Texas. Reflections on the Way to the Gallows (2010-2013) is a series of 11 videos that embrace experimental narrative based on historical documents. Filming at the sites of former gallows, the work questions the consumption of death for …

The Ghost of Elizabeth Wilson

For the past two years, I’ve researched the twenty-one women who were publicly killed in the state of Pennsylvania between 1682-1834. Upon moving to Texas in 2011, I’ve continued my research there. Filming at the sites of the former gallows, as well as creating narratives based on historical documents, I’m interested in the similarities between …

The Ghost of Josefa “Chipita” Rodriguez

For the past two years, I’ve researched the twenty-one women who were publicly killed in the state of Pennsylvania between 1682-1834. Upon moving to Texas in 2011, I’ve continued my research there. Filming at the sites of the former gallows, as well as creating narratives based on historical documents, I’m interested in the similarities between …

The Ghost of Catherine Bevan

For the past two years, I’ve researched the twenty-one women who were publicly killed in the state of Pennsylvania between 1682-1834. Upon moving to Texas in 2011, I’ve continued my research there. Filming at the sites of the former gallows, as well as creating narratives based on historical documents, I’m interested in the similarities between …

The Ghost of Susanna Cox

For the past two years, I’ve researched the twenty-one women who were publicly killed in the state of Pennsylvania between 1682-1834. Upon moving to Texas in 2011, I’ve continued my research there. Filming at the sites of the former gallows, as well as creating narratives based on historical documents, I’m interested in the similarities between …


Filmed near Corpus Christi at the site where Chipita Rodriguez was publicly hung in 1863, Swarm metaphorically references the spectacle and entertainment of public execution. In 1985, the Texas Governor absolved Chipita of her crimes….122 years after her death.

Reflections on the Way to the Gallows

The ghost videos in the series “Reflections on the Way to the Gallows” create a past-present realism through the use of pans, dissolves and overlays. Cinema and poetry distill information in similar ways: each puts emphasis on indirect communication. The cinematic or indirect examination of the cruel deaths of these women puts a truth about …