Shreyasi Pathak (he/they) is/are interested in and often find themselves in flea markets, junkyards, wreckages, and such places and non-places, zoning out, collecting, hoarding and photographing places/spaces. They are intrigued by places of cognitariat-ship, custodianship and memory that compels one to find and figure out ways of engaging with the archive and with those outside of it. They are interested in (design) histories of the Cold War, Modernism and its countercultures and how it played in shaping the visual and material culture. Aspects of trans*-queerness and disability are essential to their practice. He is one half of the duo Resting Museum with Priyanka D’Souza. They are currently working at Archives, NID in Ahmedabad.
The recording is a reading of an excerpt from the book Samyavad Hi Kyon (1943) (why communism?) by Rahul Sankrityayan, a Hindi writer, polymath, scholar and an avid traveller, known as a Marxist Monk. The part being read is from the chapter called Samyawaad aur striyon ki partantrata (communism and subjugation of women) where Sankrityayan explains the origins of patriarchy in the Indian subcontinent as caste/religion based. Sankrityayan explains and advocates for economic freedom of women which can achieved through communist political systems.